


Final Cut Express got me to buy a mac.
At the time it was pretty beefy, especially considering the bottom of the barrel I usually go for. 2GB of RAM dual processers and 230GB drive - I felt pretty good back in 2002 or whenever I picked it up.

It was OS 10.4.something, it had a shell and ran FCE.... oh and burned DVDs

Integrated, aesthetically pleasing unix-like platform - good enough for me.

Until my other machines either died off or otherwise stopped performing as well.
Well hell, I've got a shell, I've even got java....

Sort of, some old version of java that hurts my brain to code to.

I know, I'll just download a more recent version.

whot! you mean, I have to "upgrade my operating system" in order to advance versions.

There there, you see, it was macs or no sun's or , you konw what, just don't be mad.. Just feel *lucky* that someone somewhere was nice enough to implement a 1.5.something jdk for your mac. Really, why would you want do code in java anyway.

So, I shell out the dough for 10.5.5 aka OSX. To my fears - "dont worry, the upgrade works just great".

And really, I guess it wasn't so bad - java 1.5.x.

Somehwere in here, I started using a shell at work, on a more frequent basis. So instead of opening up pine and maybe kicking around some html in emacs, I'm hacking the shell scripts that keep "the builds" going. So, I dust off my copy of "UNIX for the Impatient" by Paul W. Abrahams and Bruce R. Larson. And realize, maybe my arbitrary choice of tcsh is better supplanted by a more ubiquitous shell. And one with much better doc, at least in that book. I was sold enough.

Log into mac
edit /etc/passwd
Close and Open "Terminal"

What the.... wait... So, look. I got "Mac OS X For Unix Geeks" by Ernest Rothman, Brian Jepson, and Rich Rosen, for Christmas. So fine, /etc/passwd is not the way to go. OK, I'll do it the Mac way..

I don't remember Nexts being this picky.

But wait, I upgraded for java, but does the reason I bought a mac - Final Cut Express - still work. Yes, oh yes thank goodness.

So, I've done some crappy home video. And now I want to burn it to DVD so I can show it off - right. Click on iDVD, a piece of software that worked when I bought this machine. I get:

"You cannot use this version of the application iDVD.app with this version of Mac OS X."

The solution: buy iLife.

Are you kidding me? again. You want "more" of my money. Only now for software that was stock on the original operating system I paid for.


So. I have to upgrade the _operating system_ to get the latest java. I get no guarantees that any of the software I've already paid for will work in any future versions. I have to stare at the logo of a piece of fruit that someone else already started chomping into any time I'm using the box.

But it's integrated - yes - 'm glad the folks at the apple store can tell me what, now unavailable through big brother apple, RAM I can buy just by the serial number. But, to find that out about my old Cyrix box, I just opened the motherboard manual. Advantages? But it works well with an iPod - sure, but I can also plug my Nokia Cell phone into Windows and have it work as an Mp3 player. Well, you don't have to use a whole bunch of different proprietary software for each digital camera. Fair enough, except, I don't have a bunch of different digital cameras.

Stable, I only crash apps every other week instead of the every week at work on XP. Except for my IDE - eclipse - that thing crashes within 1/2 an hour. I'll bet it would be better if I just started from a clean slate.... see FCE. Maybe I should give netbeans another go.

It does graphics well, ok maybe FCE does what I want WRT graphics well. But GIMP does way more than I'll ever need, and that's pretty damn free.

Cool, umm, what? Using a computer will make me cool? I guess in that superficial, flashing-wealth-because-I-can-afford-over-priced-hardware kind of way, maybe.

What about the great and wonderful features of Mac OSX that have just been there for years.

MacPorts - get out of here - apt, yum.

iChat - Give me pidgin any day.

iTunes - so, now instead of just playing my multimedia, I get a million daemon processes taking up CPU in the background. crap. rss integrated with music files was a good idea, but worthy of the constricting my larynx to a near falsetto say "iPod" I think not.

Terminal Tabs - so you're cool enough to use a shell, but for some reason want more shit taking real estate and don't know about screen. Oh and Linux has had that for a while.

Virtual Desktops - I about lost it when someone was feeding me the mantra on this one. Solaris had this as far back as the last millennium, or at least 1998.

Actualy NeXt's were nice, real nice. Pizza boxes and cubes. I know someone who has a few hoarded away and is waiting for the revolution. Now I need to go ask them if they have mac.

The lustre was fading and now it is totally gone.
I feel stuck because of one application.

I bought one, and I'm even using it, but I'm just not buying it.
